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Something on Tatooine

Guest Vader13

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Guest Vader13

When I was at the sarlac pit I went up and to the right instead of across the middle. I noticed that there appeared to be a ledge running left to right under from where I came. I tried to get on it, but I died. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

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Guest Luke Skywalker

IF you go around the way your supposed to and go to like 4:00 from the other side, and jump down there is a platform with a Points thing on it...

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Guest Jericho

Ok, you can go across the bridge to get to the other side of the pit, or you go up and to the right along those ledges there.


There is a health and item powerup along the way.


If you stand at the beginning of the bridge from the other side and double jump directly down toward the screen, you'll land up on the platform that you can see just a bit of. There's a point powerup on that ledge.


Good luck.






Break the walls down.

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