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How 'bout finally fixing this bug, Raven? (game crash issue)


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This bug has existed since the game was released, and none of the patches have done a thing to fix it. This may be because of the fact that the patches have been MP oriented, and this bug is SP only.


I've encountered others asking help for this very same problem, so I'm not the only one. What is this problem? Upon ending (or starting) certain levels, the game crashes to the main menu, displaying an error message saying:




SpawnEntities: no entities


On my system, I've never got to play the second last level of the game, while some others I've heard of can't play the first Nar Shaddaa level. Using cheats I CAN get to the final level and thus finish the game, but never EVER have I even seen the second last level! Would be kinda nice to see that one finally! So: Ravensoft, if you're reading, please try to fix this in the next patch. Anyone else who happens to know the solution, mail me here. I thank you in advance. I have tried e-mailing the tech support, but their advice didn't solve the problem. If it makes a difference, here are my system specs:


1 GHz Duron processor

256 MB RAM

32 MB GeForce 256 video card

13 Gig hard drive (about half of the space is free)

Sound Blaster Live! 1024 sound card

52x CD-ROM drive

Windows 98 SE

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