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Mapper Needed For Jedi Mod Clan

<JOTD>Jedi Hunter

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We're a pretty good sized clan at the moment. 4 people and 1 on the way. We have our own skins and our own server. But we don't have any maps yet. We need a mapper. http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=786326#post786326 Here's a link to our thread or you can reach me by pm or email at jessman233@hotmail.com It's nothing complicated, just a training map that you can make of your own design and put our logo on it. :) Also anyone is welcome to join. We're not a clan dedicated to sabers or guns. We allow double sabers two sabers or guns. Whatever floats your boat. The link posted shows the rules. Not too harsh at all. So any mapper out there who has spare time I would very much appretiate your help. Thanks guys. Take it easy.

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Excuse me Billyz.... But this is still my thread. And I still have a clan. So please make your own thread and ask. Thank you. And ps. I left because (again) was doing all of the work and getting nothing for it (Building a webpage, getting forums and recruiting). If I'm going to do all of that I might as well have it be my clan. Anyway, I need this map. So if you could help me I would greatly appretiate it. Thank you.

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Just a little nitpick here on your clan's ranking system

Dark Jedi and Sith should be the same thing, as dark implies dark-sider. maybe not as poweerful as Sith, but still darksiders.

Fallen Jedi aren't dark Jedi either. The have simply stopped being a jedi for whatever reason, temporary or permanent.

Just some nitpicks :D

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