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NPC navgoal movement...?


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I'm having a problem doing an infinite patrol loop for an NPC using the waypoint_navgoal. I've pretty much copied the script nearly exactly from one in the SPscripts.zip file adding what is necessary here and there, but the guy still didn't move. Finally, I added in an "affect" on the NPC, and rather than start moving, he DISAPPEARED! Can someone who knows how to set up NPCs patrolling give me some ground rules/tidbits of advice to use when doing NPC movement? Also, can you tell me what it is that's going on here?



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Actually, I've seen that tutorial before. Although it's useful for learning to use the cameras, and taught me a lot, it's totally useless for learning how to control NPC movements across waypoints. The method for doing so has changed heavily between EF and JK2.



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There is a tutorial on that site that tells you how to make an NPC follow navgoals. I got it to work just fine for my NPCs. Ive got them walking up and down halls on my level, and i followed it word for word then just added some navgoals into the map and script. Essentially nothing has changed. Look in the ICARUS manual too. That helped me some.

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