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Has this happened to anyone?

Guest Jedi Kenobi

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

I was playing level four as Darth Maul. I was jumping up on those platforms and all of a sudden the game froze in mid-air, and about 20 seconds later it started moving and Darth Maul died. In mid-air! Has this happened to anyone else?




Jedi Kenobi

Jedi Knight

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Guest Plo Koon

Indeed. I was on two player, and on level two where that first grassy bridge is, my friend jumped on it but was stuck in the bridge. The game didn't freeze, but he could float inside the bridge, then died.


He could not go outside the bridge, but float inside the bridge. Anyone else?




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Guest Seether

nothing like this has happned to me but when ever i kill mual as qui-gon the game freezes



DarthMaul.jpg "Heros die but legands live forever."

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Guest Jericho

I've had situations where I'll jump across something and hit the double jump just at the last moment to get up onto the ledge and the character gets stuck at the edge, like he's paused in mid-jump. Then he'll misteriously die on me.


I've been on the fans in Coruscant, the ones you HAVE to go through to get to the platform and died on the landing. This was during two player mode.


It's been well documented how much the jumping and controls suck...but come on, I'm supposed to be doing these jumps and I die!






Break the walls down.

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Guest DarthMace

<font color=red> <center> in 2p. mode on lv. 6 my friend jumped inside a building and plunge into a invisible hole and the camera folow him inside and you can see him falling and then i threw my saber and it followed him down the hole (and i don't lie)





DarthMace the evil twin of JediMace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


ex-dark lord of the Sith Order


member of the un-council

team coach


[This message has been edited by DarthMace (edited May 14, 2000).]

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