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Darth_Talon, darthjustin69, and the rest of you guys with HUGE sig pics..

Guest Kurgan

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Guest Kurgan

Hey guys, I know you like your signature pictures, but they are just too big.


Not everyone has a fast connection, and it gets kind of annoying seeing these page sized graphics in every single post you make.


Anyhow, in case you guys don't have Photoshop or PSP and can't resize your pics yourself, feel free to use these, smaller sized ones. I'll gladly do this for anybody that needs a pic resized, free. ; )











Thanks guys!



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Guest Adi_Gallia

<font face="Calligraph421 BT"><font color="lightblue"> I agree with Kurgan. Some of you like taking up our computer screens don't you? Good thing this computer has a large monitor. I might be afraid to pull this site up on my computer because the monitor is so small. Oh well. Hey you guys it is a good idea to change your pic sizes.





Jedi Master Adi Gallia


~There is more to this conflict than meets the eye.~

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Guest Darth_Talon

Thanx Kurgan....i havent used my sig since i couldnt resize it...i will post this pic on my site and use it as my sig




"Evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb."

-Dark Helmet to LoneStar (Spaceballs)


[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited May 08, 2000).]

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Guest Sith Lord Rage




SITH-FURYRAGE.jpg Formerly Maul, Sith Lord

Ready to reak havoc under a new name...

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

So mister Rage? Are you still in the Un-Council?





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Sith Lord Rage

Sorry Barnabas, I don't think I should affiliate myself with one group. I hope you can understand.




Formerly Maul, Sith Lord

Ready to reak havoc under a new name...

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Guest Maul Clone

Kurgan, size matters not. It's the bytes that matter. Granted the really big pics will have a lot of bytes and can mess with those off us with small monitors. Mine is sized just right to mess with 640X480 monitors.


But for example, Kurgan's little sig pic takes up over 30 bytes while mine uses only 17. So everyone take byte size into consideration as well as monitor size.




Founder and Emperor of The Sith Order

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Guest Darth_Talon

my huge sig, as kurgan put it, took up only 20 kb




"Evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb."

-Dark Helmet to LoneStar (Spaceballs)

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Guest Kurgan

Just trust me guys, they're huge.


Just keep 'em small, is all I ask. I've got mine on 800x600 (15") and they are huge, and that's too big. Plus, bigger pics = bigger byte size.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited May 08, 2000).]

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