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These boards are hardly loading at all!

Guest Hyden

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I've been watching these boards for quite a few days and I think they're getting worse and worse!

Not only it takes long to load, it sometimes DOESN'T LOAD AT ALL!


I'm really curious what the problem is... whether it's just my modem, or anyone else is having the same problem.



Maybe I should build up my patience

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Problems here as well. No its not your modem because it messes up with my T1 as well. I would probalby place blame on the server but its almost makes me not want to come here to read posts anymore.


--The Weasel




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Guest Jedi Kanigget

It's not you, pretty much everyone else is having the same problem. The mods and admins, with the exception of Kurgan, have been tight lipped on the subject.




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Guest Obi-Juan Kenobi

I too am having this problem, and I am on a cable modem. So I have no clue as to what is going on, but the funny thing is, this isnt effecting any other board.




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Guest Obi-Juan Kenobi

I too am having this problem, and I am on a cable modem. So I have no clue as to what is going on, but the funny thing is, this isnt effecting any other board.




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