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Stuck Already! :(


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Okay, I followed everyones instructions based on the information I have gotten about skinning in total, see I did all the .pk3 business, made my temp folder, I downloaded paint shop pro demo, and I opened up a jpeg file, for example kyles_torso.jpg or whatever, and I saw the picture, and my jaws dropped! How the hell am I supposed to edit that, how the hell am I supposed to make my own face for a charactor?! what about a torso, how the hell am I supposed to make a shirt with the wrinkles, and the lil shadows its impossible, thats why I am never going to skin, but I want to, its just to god damn hard!

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I may still suck at skinning...but I have come a long way since my first one:p . If you dun have ModView...thats a very very useful thing to get. First skin I did...I didn't have modview and it looked like crap. After that I just doodled on the skins. Then I came to the wonderful world of textures! wee. Use em...and use em well cuz they make a skin look great I think.

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Its in the uhh...like official Jedi tools download thingy-ma-bobber. You can find it at Jedi Outcast websites I think...i dunno I d/led it when it first came out. Comes with lots of tools but I've only used ModView so far. And for textures...I dunno you can search for little ..swatches i think they are called. Just little designs for like clothes and what-not. I usually try to make my own though.

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