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Lowering Polys? Help


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Alright...I don't understand how to make a model with low polys. I make one simple sphere...convert it to NURBS and it has near 550 polys. Should I never use convert it to NURBS? I tried to convert it to a Patch and that had only about 230 polys...but it was impossible to make a head out of. Is there a certain way I should make the model to make it have the lowest amount of polys possible? Or is there a way of making a modelw ith hight polys...then lowering the polys without messing up the model?

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but I did and it said it had like near 1000 polys. For just a sphere. Am I doing something wrong here:mad: . I think the best way for me to go is to import a model from the game already.....now how do I go about doing that though. I guess I just suck too much to model:( ....my models look like the parts of the body aren't connected....and are....just messed up...when I see a picture of other peeps models they are nice and smooth....and they have that blocky kinda look. I dunno how to do that stuff.

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Ok you might wanna lower the sub-divsions when you make the sphere. When you make it you should see on the right hand coloumn, it should be right under the radius configuration.


To make everything seamless, you have to weld vertices. click oh the weld button, and crank that button up to fifty. select two vertices and press crtl w.........i think thats the hotkey...... and there you haev two connect vertices. Before you connect any two object make sure you delete the faces that are between them.


You can make them smooth by using a meshsmooth modifier......or cranking up the smooth level when you do an elment select on your object.

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