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Few things about battle with Maul

Guest Hyden

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I've found out some useful tactics when fighting with Maul in lvl 10.


With Obi-Wan, it's good to use square square and X X combos alternatively. Normally Maul blocks the square square combo, and straight after that, use the X X square square combo, then usually he gets hit by the X X. Obi's combos are pretty fast so there isn't much problem of getting bogged out at the end of the combos.


In the battle right before the elevator, he does that long range force thing (wohoooo, scary!). I always get knocked off the ground by that. So, just after he does that, I use MY long range force on him then run madly at him, and then you whack him in close combat. This will work for Obi and Qui-Gon.

I tried that with Mace but his problem is that he just sits there and dodges like a coward so that he can't move.


In the final battle, I always get afraid of Maul's long range force (he does that every now and then until you approach him). When you just stay where you are for a while, he actually COMES to you. If you time yourself well and whack him just as he approaches you, you've made a good start.


These aren't guaranteed to work, but they are just few additional ideas that might help someone, somewhere, sometime.

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Good ideas. One thing to add to your final battle plan is that if you use your long range force just after he uses his you should be able to get a few hits in before he attacks you.


--The Weasel




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