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Church Part 2

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uh, hi, barnabas said i could be the "special guest" speaker in church this week, i wrote a little sermon, so here it goes:"IS THE DARK SIDE STRONGER?"


"Is the dark side stronger?" Luke's famous query to Yoda raises a good question when related to the church. Is evil more powerful, (or more common, for that matter) than good?


Most of you will answer a quick "no" to both questions, just as yoda did. But look back on the things you did this week (or just this past day, to make things easier) How many times did you have to choose between doing the right thing, and doing what YOU wanted to do? And how manytimes did you accually do the right thing, as opposed to what would personally benifit you the most?


Now, I am gong to say this right off the bat, and i want you all to understand: I AM NOT CRITICIZING YOU! God knows it, but most of the time,when I look back on the week,I find all too often that many of the decisions that i made were the wrong ones. So please, dont think that i am criticizing any of you by this.


But, i think that you will find, that when you look back at the choices you made, some of you will find this to be true in you own lives too. If not, God bless you! And kudos for making the right decisions.


I ask, that if for just one week, (or if you like, just try it for one day) when you are faced with a decision between what is right, and what would turn out to be a personal benificiary, ask yourself: "Is the dark side stronger?"


Hopefully by doing this, you will remind yourselves of two key things:

#1) The "dark side" is not stronger, in fact, i think that Yoda hit the nail right on the head when he sai, and i quote: "No, no, but a quicker and more easy path it is."


And #2) We are here as servents of God, just think what He would want us to do.


So please, ask youself at least once this week:

"Is the dark side stronger?"


(thanx to barnabas for letting me speak out about this)







The Un-Council's Disgruntled Bounty Hunter


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Guest Adi_Gallia

<font face="Calligraph421 BT"><font color="lightblue">::grunts and her voice turns into Yoda's: biggrin.gifelete this post, now you will!::turns into herself once more::This church crap is annoying me. It's fine with me if you keep it one topic. So add this to that topic by what's his name.





Jedi Master Adi Gallia


~There is more to this conflict than meets the eye.~

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

There are two topics on church. Would you rather I flood the forum with " Look at my pic" post's or "who's here" posts. If you don't like them than don't read them and most of all don't complain about them.





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest jedihorn1

You knew what this topic was about before you read it. if it annoys you so much, don't read it. No one is Forcing you to. And this topic isn't nearly as bad as 3/4 of the others on this board. At least no one is getting flammed here. Btw, thanx for your comment in the church1 topic calypso(sorry if i spelled it wrong.)



Check out my site for SW news rumors, fan fiction and chat! <A HREF="http://jedihorn1.homestead.com/jedihorn1.html

There" TARGET=_blank>http://jedihorn1.homestead.com/jedihorn1.html

There</A> is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, only knowledge. There is no passion, there is serinity. There is no death, there is the Force. (GOD)-Jedi Code


[This message has been edited by jedihorn1 (edited May 07, 2000).]

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Guest Darth_Talon

OMG!!!!!!!1 what kind of sig is that you ****ing perve!!!!!!




"Evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb."

-Dark Helmet to LoneStar (Spaceballs)

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Guest jedihorn1

Rho changed all the pics on his site to porn, so everyone who had his pics for a sig,, now they are all porn. i just saw and changed mine.




Check out my site for SW news rumors, fan fiction and chat! <A HREF="http://jedihorn1.homestead.com/jedihorn1.html

There" TARGET=_blank>http://jedihorn1.homestead.com/jedihorn1.html

There</A> is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, only knowledge. There is no passion, there is serinity. There is no death, there is the Force. (GOD)-Jedi Code

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Guest Darth skywalker

Why did he change all of his pictures to porn?



*Darth skywalker*

Dark sith lord of humor*


Member of the Un-council.




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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

Jedi Calypso thank you for the message. I got more out of it then I did actually going to service this morning. I will try asking myself "Is the Darkside Stronger" for a week and report back.




Obi-wan Shinobi is the un-council's official Beer Baron.

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Guest Kurgan

He obviously thought he was being cute, and probably knew he'd get a bunch of people banned that way.


I figured the other folks didn't realize what he was doing, and I have reinstated them.



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Guest Jericho



Barnabas and I can agree on something...


Go figure. smile.gif






Break the walls down.

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

I'm not a bad guy I just have a bad...






Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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