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Strange reply system...

Guest Hyden

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After I post a new topic, the board says that I've got a few replies. So I open it to see who replied, but then... I don't see any!

After a while, I come back to it, and it then has got a few more replies. I open it then, and THEN I can see all the replies.

Same thing happens to when I'm replying to someone else.


Since I'm not quite "experienced" in this forum, I don't know what the problem is. Is it just some sort of a reply system? Or is it actually a problem?


Can somebody explain to me what's happening here? confused.gif

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

This isn't "normal". The posts used to show up, at the latest, a minute or so after it was posted. Now we're lucky if it shows eight hours after posted.




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