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Guest Jedi Kanigget

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

I notice there's been about a thirteen hour lull in postings here. I'm guessing that it's, at least in part, due to the really slow load time. So, once again, I'll give a general invitation to everyone to visit another forum. The majority of the members are made up of veterans of this board. As I've said before, I'm not trying to get you to leave this board, just showing you a new one. This is only a general invitation. <A HREF="http://pub19.ezboard.com/bthecouncilofjedi">The Council of Jedi</A> has several message boards. Rather than list them all, click on the link and take a look. Hope to see at least some of you there.




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I just got in. Actually, I was looking over posts in the past 100 days of this forum.


I see thousands of posts related to:


-testing signatures

-asking how to post pictures or smilies

-asking about codes in JPB or if such and such a combo or trick works

-petty arguing and flaming over stuff like the Council/Uncouncil and other such drivel


There was alot of initial excitement, but there have been tons of lameness. Would anybody really miss some of that stuff if it was pruned? We have posts going back to 4/00.



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No, Darth Wart, hiring somebody to do it isn't the issue. It would only take me a few mouse clicks (less than a minute of "work") to prune this forum down.


I simply was asking, because I had considered that as a solution. However, the forum now works again, after I removed some blank threads (there were quite a few of them). So no need...



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