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/me goes to change in a phonebooth


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I've never made a map before for any game, but I'm going to try my hand at making a map for our clan. I'm half-way done with Rich Diesal's tutorials and I feel like Superman! Wish me luck!


Edit: Hope I don't run into any unexpected Kryptonite...doh

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I made my first square room today. Heh.. couldn't figure out why it was so freakin dark.. DOH no lights!! (musta missed that). Anyways, I played for a few minutes before work. The reborn just jumped around ALL the time. Also, when I use jkmp to load the level, I couldn't use my right-click alt-attack.. Weird.


Anyways. The hardest part so far seems to be camera controls and axis movement controls. I have XP, and the right-click to move the z-axis move REALLY fast, and the left click doesn't appear to do anything. Also, I've lost my brush in the window and took a long ass time to find it again.. Stupid right-click threw it a mile away it seemed. I think I saw someone complain about that here, but I'll have to find it again.


I'll keep going through the tutorials until I run out of them. I'll probably being my first real level next week. :)


Thanx for the encouragement! I'm off to the races.. hehe

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Oh, 1 more thing.. My first compile took 1 second. I said, "Holy crap! That's fast!" Turned out that I needed to use the short DOS names in the config. oops. I realized that when I couldn't find a .bsp file for my map! heheh

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Yea, I haven't gotten to bots and other playability details yet. Still going thru Rich's University :)


I would like to know, however, what the problem is with the preview window. I'm running XP, and when I left-click in the window it does nothing. When I right-click, the brush move a million miles an hour.


Any suggestions?

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