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Jumping Attack

Guest DarthGohan1016

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Guest DarthGohan1016

Hi, I was just playing JPB on tatooine in an attempt to increase my health as to beat level 14 (btw the running around thing isnt working for me) and I beat it with maul, and when the bonus combo list came up, there was a certain combo that was Triangle+L2, and when I tried it Obi-Wan did a jump attack, and I thought that I had heard someone in hear say that there were no Jumping slash attacks, I think It was Kurgan who said that was one of the things JPB lacked, and I was just wondering if someone else had found this combo too, Now I just found it a minute ago, and it looks like he slashs down and then slashes upwards, and when he slashes up he jumps into the slash, it's pretty cool looking, that's all smile.gif just wondering if anyone like Wart or Kanigget or Acid, Kurgan had found this combo and didnt consider it a Jumping attack?

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

I think what was meant by "jumping attack" was a jump in the air than attack, with no moves before and/or after. The jump attack you are talking about is part of a combo, you can't use the jump attack by itself.



GuinRem.gif ACBII.gif

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Guest DarthGohan1016

Oh... yeah well Ive got that problem of posting before I check it first, after I posted this I went to Your guide and saw it listed on Obi Wans combos, well it may not be a jumping attack, but its still pretty cool

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It is a pretty cool move - actually I would say Obi has some of the best moves in the game. I think Adi has a similar type semi-jumping combo as well (a lunge upwards if my memory serves me correctly)


--The Weasel

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