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getting rid of dead bodies


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My question:


I have a map that is a simple bespin map where you are on a platform in the clouds. I have made a room (1024 x 1024 x 1024) with a platform in the center. Now I have the whole falling death thing down thanks to Diesel's excellent tutorials. My problem is all the dead bodies are still there at the bottom of my map. Also I was wondering if there was a way that I wouldn't hear a thud when someone falls of my platform. I tried the system/cushion shader but that doesn't seem to completly do the trick. Thanks in advance for any help. If you need to know anymore info about my map let me know.



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System_cushion has to actually touch the bottom.


And you cant remove the bodies without going through a truckload of work that nobody knows how to do. So I suggest using a fog brush and encompassing the pit--also raise the trigger_hurt brush. If the player/npc dies about 2 secs before reaching bottom--the body shouldn't appear.

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