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PSX version. Controller does not vibrate.

Guest dansn

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Well, I've been trying to figure this one out for a while. I have the PSX version of Jedi Power Battles, and when set the controller settings for the controller vibration to ON, it works at the settings screen, but not in gameplay. Is this a game bug, or do I have a messed up controller and/or game? Just wondering if anyone else has this problem. Thanks!

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Guest Dave Maul

You sure you've got a Dual Shock Controller for PSX? The one with the analog sticks? If so, it may appear to be a duff controller.




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Yeah, I have 2 dual shock controllers. They work on other games. It's strange. They will vibrate in the controller menu, but not during game play. It's not that important, but it would be nice to use, since the option is there. Thanks for replying, by the way.

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Guest BobaFettX

Same thing happens to me , but the first time I played (With my ps2 controller) it worked . I have a real sony contoller and the vibration still works on all my other games .

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

The vibration effect doesn't happen much during the game; if I remember correctly, it's when you get hurt...if that.



GuinRem.gif ACBII.gif

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Hehehe. That would definately make the controller vibrate! I finally got my controllers to vibrate. I'm not sure why they weren't working before, but they work now. They definately don't vibrate much, only when you are getting hurt. Thanks to everyone that replied!!!!

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