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Easiest Player?

Guest Qui-Gon Jinn

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Guest Qui-Gon Jinn

Guys, since I don't know much, who is the easiest guy to control?





"Be Mindful of the Living Force." - Qui-Gon Jinn

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Guest Plo Koon

Since Plo Koon is slow, he can be controlled with ease. Since he is slow, jumping is easier too.


Adi Gallia is a bit harder because she is so fast. She jumps high, though, and that is good.




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Guest Jericho

First time through...I'd say Mace is the man.


His force powers are too good to pass up for a novice player. It makes going through the levels a bit easier in my opinion.


And all I really used for his combos were the square-square ones.






Break the walls down.

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Guest Darth Killa

I would say Obi-Wan.

I would not say Plo Koon cause I'm having hell with Darth Maul right now smile.gif.

I wouldn't use Mace when I was new because you have to kinda get used to combos.



Think your bad fight Droidekas biggrin.gif

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Guest Plo Koon

Actually, I found a little trick to do when you fight Maul as Plo.

Lock on to Maul, and when he is about to attack, hold the run button and hit back. You will dash backwards, and when his guard is down, smack him with T,T. Then X,X.


I got to the electric bridge without losing any health. I just keep dying on the gay jumps that have that electricity going back and forth.




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Guest Jedi Kenobi

for that you just jump on the platform where the electricity moves, then you jump to the next then... etc.




Jedi Kenobi

Jedi Knight

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Guest Darth Killa

Hey Thanks Plo Koon! I have been getting my ass kicked by Darth Maul with Plo. I will try that and tell you how it goes wink.gif.



Darth Killa





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Guest DarthMace

<font color=orangered> <center> I say mace because he's not fast or slow and he has the strongest long range force and he can heal himshelf with he's forcesheild when people run into it.





DarthMace the evil twin of JediMace master of both the ligthtdagger and lightsaber


ex-dark lord of the Sith Order


member of the un-council

team coach

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