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Kit Fisto Model


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Having no modelling experience and having only just started mapping for jk2 (previous exp on quake 3,medal of honour and half-life) i was wandering if there are any modellers out there working on a kit fisto model, in my opinion he is by far the coolest of jedi and deserves his own model. I can see the problems with modelling the tenticles that hang from his head but surely this can be over come by someone with experience. Anyway just wandering. laters :bdroid1:

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guess what, you,yes YOU could have that model in just a few mouse clicks!! just click the phrase at the top of the modeling forum screen that reads MODEL REQUEST THREAD and repeatedly ask for this model! wait...wait... and do some more waiting....amd boom, sooner or later some talented modeler will come along and pick up the idea!



or you could just read the forum guidelines instead.......

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yes, i get very touchey when a newbie cant search the forums for 2 mins to search for one of the most popular models done by a very popular Modeler ( props to toonces). im pretty sure it dosnt take that long to get to page 2 of the forums ( or is it on page 2 now)

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Hey! wow, arent u cool , i bet your one of those guys who thinks he is the dogs bollocks at all games, give the new guy a break, ffs if it werent for nice guys like the guy above u helping peeps out we'd never get ne where in online gaming. Just chill you dont need to have a go at new people to make yourself look like you know it all, i mean like i really respect you now i know u can take the piss rather than just informing me of my mistake. So in future just chill off ok?!?!

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im sorry....im touchey today :rolleyes:


oh and i really am cool :rolleyes:


and i dont know what a dog bollock is, it must one of them english words i just cant understand...


Anyone got any insight on what a "dog Bollock" is..... nevermind

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dogs bollocks mean you think ur great, sorry i really gotta dump the **** slang, anyway sorry kinda flew off the handle, thanx for the help,if anyone wants to tell me how the dogs bollocks saying came into being i'd be grateful btw coz to be honest why ne one would want to be a dogs testicle is beyond me. ahhh well laters :bdroid1:

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