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does anyone know...


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I used Qui-Gon in two player, me and Mace beat the game, and I am level 10/skill 90. We used the infinate credits (the only way I could possibly tolerate this game). I didn't realize that you had to select which combos you recieve at the ends of levels, so I missed one that I'd really like(x, triangle, x, Force... I believe). Now I've been continuing my saved game, playing two player through the beginning and I'm not getting any new bonuses. Is that the way it goes... No more advancement after you beat the game with that character? Or do I have to do something real special? Thanks if anyone can tell me.

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Guest Jericho

Well, if you're going through the game on two player, you each need to get half the needed points for the level three bonus.


You can only get another ability level for the areas you didn't get enough points in. If the three icons at the beginning of the level are all hightlighted, you can't get anything else from beating that level.


Once you do it, that's it. You'll have to go back to the levels you didn't reach the third bonus in (since you only have 90 pts there must be some). Those are the only levels you can repeat and actually get something.


Wart has a list in his guide on what points are needed for each level.






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