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New Cheat - Direct From LEC

Guest Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

About damn time!


"Check Point

This cheat jumps the player to last checkpoint reached on a level. For example, if you die on a level, go right back into it, then hit pause and enter the code. You will be zapped to the last check point you touched. Extra cheat: After you die, jump into the training mode, finish one and save your game. You just saved your check point, so next time you start up you can use this cheat again.




U and D are on the d-pad, L and R are the triggers. Enter from the pause menu."


Shame it's so useless.




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Guest Darth_Chaos

That is quite possiby the STUPIDEST cheat I have ever heard of! I can not think of a single practical use for it, I mean come on Lucas Arts, give us some codes that are at least worth our time to try them out! not this "You can re-appear at the last checkpoint touched just like you can anyway..."


Your angry Local Sith Lord


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Guest Dave Maul

Actually, I tried this out. If you die (ie. "Game Over" die) during a level, you just continue your game and restart the level. Pause the game and punch in the cheat, and you'll reappear at the last checkpoint you touched. This could come in useful when dueling Maul.


Agreed, though,it's not the greatest of codes.




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Actually, that is pretty useful when you are playing Maul with Plo. Useless for just about any other level/player. It took me about five whacks at the final battle to beat it with Plo. Several times I got to the last check point without many lives left because I had been killed fighting Maul earlier in the level. It would have been nice to start in the last set of rooms with nine lives or whatever.


Seriously though, Lucas Arts needs to hook us up with something better than that.

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I forgot to mention, and I doubt there's a connection, but the timing of their posting of that cheat at LEC is weird. After posting about cheats on this site and getting only responses about keyboard cheats, I finally emailed LEC last Wednesday and asked them why they weren't releasing the cheats. I never received a reply of course. Maybe enough people whining like me got them off their fat duffs.

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Anybody know if it saves the points you had too, or else it would be useless if you wanted skill level 10 for the particular level!


[This message has been edited by Darth_Simpson (edited January 31, 2001).]

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