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Combining ProMod with JediMod...?


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Wouldn't this be nice? Combining the saber combat model of ProMod with the styles, models and possibilities from JediMod!


Anyone out there who does that? Or what do you think? Or are the players even diveded into two sections: the saber specialists (ProMod) and the cool-factors guys (JediMod)...?

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I've had a lot of people ask me about this, but few understand what a daunting task this would be. Trying to merge the code could take weeks, plus there's the issues about using the jediMod source, which it seems more than one person has contributed to.


I'm looking into adding some of the same features that people like in other mods, such as the emotes and other cosmetic stuff, but the focus of ProMod will always be better gameplay over window dressing. Once I get the game core to a point where I'm satisfied, then I'll start adding the other stuff.


So, it's coming. Not today, not tomorrow, but soon.

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Yeah, from a programmer's point of view I understand this would most propably be a difficult task. If you plan on adding some cosmetic features to ProMod, I suggest not including all but only the more interesting things... I want to play a Yoda model, btw, so model scaling would be fine to have along! ;D


Some of the cool and "professional" emotes would be nice. (I don't care about kissing etc.) Some JediMod moves look sweet too, but I'm not sure about their usefulness, since I only downloaded JM this morning... Anyway, if someone needs a hand, I could maybe help out a little...


Keep up the good work, all of you mod-makers! :D

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