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How to use Buffer?


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The client uses the normal password cmd and i wanna compare it with a var in a .cfg like the TCKmodel.cfg from the jedimod.

But i dont understand the hole routine, it is to complex.

I was searching for some easy code or a toturial with simple in-/output like the tckmodel.cfg do, nothing found :(


That means I wanna use a .cfg dat with e.g. 3 var's


password clientname number

password clientname number

password clientname number



and use it:


read(buf, len, f) <<-- so the full cfg is in the var buf


now i have to call the void, but how???


for (i=1,i=10;i++){

PWGetName(buf[1,i], buf[2,i], buf[3,i]) // i for line...



PLZ, can someone help me??

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also, read reads it into one big character buffer,

so if you want to retreive the lines you would have to split the output on the \n (newline) character. which you can do by searching for the amount of newlines, allocating enough memory for that many lines, and then parsing those lines (write to linebuffer, keep incrementing the read buffer and if the read buffer equals \n, increment i.)

that's basically it.. hope it helps :)


quick code just to be sure :p


char **cLineBuffer;

char *cWalkBuffer;

char *cBuffer;

int i = 0;


// Read the data in the buffer here



// Read number of lines

cWalkBuffer = cBuffer;


while( cWalkBuffer )


if( cWalkBuffer++ == '\n' )




cLineBuffer = (char**)malloc( sizeof(char*) * i );


// Read in lines

i = 0;

cWalkBuffer = cBuffer;


while( cWalkBuffer )


if( cWalkBuffer == '\n' )

cLineBuffer[++i] = (char*)malloc( 128 );


cLineBuffer = cWalkBuffer++;



not tested.. but it should 'basically' do the trick you seem to want

after this you can walk trough all lines.

you could also just increment the line counter by one when you encounter one so you know at what line you are and don't need to create all those silly buffers ;)

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