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Strategy for defeating Maul with Plo?

Guest Pizza the Hutt

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Guest Pizza the Hutt

I need a strategy, because I've played ten full games (with eight credits each) and I've only gotten to the second part of the level (the reactor room) once. Plo's combos are too slow...everyone now and then I'll get into a groove with the square, square, x combo, but Maul will do something to disrupt my timing or I'll hit the buttons a little to fast or a little to slow and I'm toast. I've come to the conclusion that blocking is a waste of time...you can never block an entire Maul salvo without depleting your meter and taking serious punishment. I've tried to "stick and move," but that only works as long as you have room to backup...when you back against the wall, it's all over. Can anyone help? I almost destroyed my Playstation last night in a fit of rage.

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Guest ShadeShifter

I feel your pain. I've made it to the second round of the reactor when he knocked me off. I keep using the x,x,square,force combo, but I still wind up taking way too much damage. To quote Jar Jar, "Any help here be nice."

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Guest Jericho



What about using his force powers to hit Maul? Is the lightning blast effective?


I've only gotten there with Mace and it's easy with him...just do the sabre shield and pick up the powerups throughout the level.


I don't have any experience with Plo, so I can only give suggestions...good luck.



Break the walls down.

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I'm with you, Plo is too slow and too frustrating. I haven't attempted to play him again in a week. He's is my last remaining Jedi at Level 9.


I've been reading suggestions on Plo v. Maul on this site for days. One guy even claimed that he beat Maul once with Plo and never even took a hit. I'll believe it when I see it. Obi-wan maybe - not Plo.


The consensus is that you have to use the block, then square square x, or square square combo and be patient. Also use the force lightning attack a few times per encounter.


Like you, I think blocking is a waste. I guess there must be a rhythm to it that I haven't figured out yet. I'm not positive about this, but I think the defense bonuses give you better blocking power, so go back and get the ones you don't have. Also, I think the attack bonuses make your swings faster, so go back and get any of those you missed. I haven't done that yet because I'm too lazy and I hate replaying Tatooine, Coruscant, and the Palace Cliffs, which are the three boards I didn't get the bonuses on with Plo.

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Guest Darth Wart

i haven't done this myself, but I once noted somebody's claim in here that Plo's fastest and most reliable was square square X, WITH NO SECOND X.

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Guest ShadeShifter

The square, square combo is Plo's fastest move, but the first strike is so slow that Maul has time to react before it hits. The defense and attack bonuses don't seem to help. The best stratagy I've found is to start your attack from a distance. That way your first strike makes contact when he is first in range. I like the square, square, x; x, x; x, x, square; and x, x, square, force combos. I usually walk backwards and attack with x, x, but I eventually lose patients and start attacking all out. I save the lightning strike to break up Maul's combos (or to attack him whenever he cheap shots me). I still cannot make it through the power generator though.

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