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Some new DC screens...

Guest Darth_Simpson

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Guest DarthGohan1016

Hmm... that sucks... He does look pretty cool tho, I love the lightsabre... well it's nearing the 6 month marker since the game came out for PS right? so if there are any codes Lucasarts should release them in October?

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Gee, should we buy the PC version of Obi-Wan, or wait until it's re-released for PS2, packed with more LEC bulls**t?


Or, should we push off all the hype, and consider the fact that this game could be yet another POS cash-cow from a company we all once trusted?

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Guest DarthGohan1016

*Looks at everyone who gave him a sarcastic remark* I never said I thought they were codes, I said if there were any that they would be released soon... no need to be smart

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Guest DarthGohan1016

*Looks at all the sarcastic remarks aimed towards him*


I never said that I thought there were codes, I just said if there were any, that they would be released soon... no need to be a bunch of smart @$$'s :p btw when I first came in alot of the people here believed that the JPB codes would be released in october too

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