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A Charmed Convertion


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ok, well i am a big fan of the tv series charmed and, when play JK2 i noticed many of the force powers are simular to the powers on charmed. I began converting the game, (my plan is to retexture some, levels, replace a the character models and hopefully get some new modified powers into the game).


Please tell me out staight, am i insane, or could it actually be a good modification to the game.



Also is it possible to increase the strenthe of "force speed" so that the game appears to stand still

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Well, if you like Charmed that much, it could really make your gaming even more fun than it already is. I have no problems with personilizing my game with different skins and cool stuff like that.


About the force speed, I can't tell you anything more than a cheat that gives you the most power you can (setforceall 3). Other than that, I haven't heard of anyone trying to change the force powers (or make them stronger anyways)

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