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the new Anakin has been picked!!!!!!!(click here to find out who he is.....)


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The new Anakin has been chosen for Star Wars Episode II and III!!!

Hayden Christerson, a hot 19-year-old actor, has been chosen to play the new Aniken for Episodes II and III of the Star Wars saga!!!!

<will post more info when it comes out>



"The force is strong with him"



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Guest DarthGohan1016

That was a rumor for a long time, and we found out more than three days before Starwars.com officially announced it, it's old news

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Guest Feilnyn

Hey, Obi-Wan is just trying to be helpful.

So maybe it is old news, but by responding like this we of the Board only discourage further posts from newbies. Simple courtesy

will keep this board together.

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