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New Secret Character In PSX Version!

Guest Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

Take a look at this screenshot!




Yep, that’s right. You get to play as a Gungan Guard! But you can only play as

him on 2-player mode. Here’s a close-up of the second player.




So, what do all you skeptics have to say now? To play as the Guard, you have to do



  • On Level 2, Swamps of Naboo, you need to get to the end of the level when you
    fight the boss.
  • Then, Player 1 has to use each and every force power on Jar Jar Binks, while the
    second player sings the score from “Cats” whilst running around the boss.
  • If you do this correctly, the boss will not be able to harm you with it’s acid spit.
  • At the end of the level, Jar Jar says, “Follow mesa!” and runs off.
  • Now you must press Up, Down, Left, Right, L1, L2, R2, R1, Square, Circle,
    Triangle, X, Start, Select, Start, X, Triangle, Circle, Square, R1, R2, L2, L1, Right,
    Left, Down and Up IN THAT ORDER before the level ends.
  • The two players run off after him, but instead of the level ending, Player 1 will
    tackle Jar Jar, whilst Player 2 slices off his skin.
  • Their deed done, they take off for Theed.


Now you must complete the game with all 8 characters, then you must hack into the

game and make a new character yourself. Beat the game with your own character,

then press Select on Adi Gallia at the Jedi Selection menu. You will now be able to

play as the Guard.


<font size="1">Please Note: This is not a serious post. Do not attempt to follow the

points above. I don’t want to be banned; I like it here.




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Guest Qui-gon John

ok sure, but how is that gungan gaurd there if it really isnt possible? Just wandering, i liked the steps, they were funny smile.gif





[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited September 16, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

It's only simple cutting and pasting, nothing more. Ok, maybe a little more, but that's the basics.



GuinRem.gif ACBII.gif


[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited September 16, 2000).]

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Yeah, it's a lot more than just cut and paste.

See the Gungan's shadow? Dave must have had to either cut the original shadow's owner and redo the floor, then paste the gungan on, or put the Gungan on, and create the shadow himself. Quite a bit of work, either way.


It's cool, but I would have blurred the Gungan a bit to make it blend in a bit more.

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Guest Dave Maul

Okay, you've got me. ;)


I don't have any programs like Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop or anything else that allows you to blur the image. I simply used...Paintbrush. That's it. I used a picture of the Guard off the LucasArts site, took a screenshot from the PSX gallery, and copied the shadow from the Rodian guy running from the left.




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Guest Jedi Kanigget

See? Cut and paste. Not to demean it, it's pretty well done considering the limits of his graphics program.



GuinRem.gif ACBII.gif


[This message has been edited by Jedi Kanigget (edited September 17, 2000).]

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