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Guest Cpl. Shepard

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Guest Cpl. Shepard

When playing as C3P0 my character has the distrubing tendancy to go to the sidelines at pat R2D2 on his little dome very........very.....very.....slowly. Meanwhile, battle droids, stormtroopers, Mr. T, Luke Skywalker, Admiral Bosch, Bill Clinton, and hundreds of others start bashing on C3PO!!!! Any ideas/hints?

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Guest liquidkid

mayor McCheese is the supreme head of the jedi council. he's going to be in episode 2.





-UNcouncil Master of Insults, Supreme Chancelor's Hitman, All Around Bully.


P.L.U.R. <> J9K-4-LIFE <> JEDI-4-LIFE <> MCL

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