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Do you have a Star Wars web site?

Guest jedihorn1

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Guest jedihorn1

We are trying to start a ring of affiliates at the Jedi Temple, thus increasing hits on everyone's site. We hope to one day have it become the size of TF.N. Anyway, if you are interested in becoming an affiliate, e-mail me at jedimasterhorn@thejeditemple.net or at jeditemple1@yahoo.com. Plus, drop in and check out the site and give us some feedback. We are still working on it and making upgrades. Any feedback or suggestions are welcome. We got a new domain name so you can reach it at www.thejeditemple.net or by clicking the link in my sig.




Check out the best site for SW news rumors, fan fiction, chat and more! The Jedi Temple

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Guest Dave Maul

I have a forum, it's in my sig. I'll be happy to put a link to yours, but as far as I know I can only have a ring of EzBoard sites. Does anyone know how to overcome that problem (Wart, Kanigget?)





[This message has been edited by Dave Maul (edited September 21, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

We started to build a web ring, but Yahoo wasn't customizable enough. We have it <A HREF="http://nav.webring.yahoo.com/hub?ring=theringofjedimas">here</A>. It sort of died in it's infancy. I have an "add banner" page on my <A HREF="http://jedikanigget.homestead.com/AdLinks.html">site</A> that, with a little tweaking could probably do what Horn is talking about.



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Guest jedihorn1

Thats what I was thinking Kanigget. Instead of having a links page it would be an affiliates page and we could rotate banners and post them on the main page, say once a week have a different sitte highlighted on the main page.




Check out the best site for SW news rumors, fan fiction, chat and more! The Jedi Temple

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