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JITD: Middleearth-based mod needs Coders


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We are currently working on a tc for jk2 based on tolkien's silmarillion. It will take place at the end of the 1st age of middleearth.

The first release will be a tdm mod that allows big, medieval-style battles between elves (and other free races of middleearth) and orcs.

The second release will be a coop game.

You can find more infos at http://www.jitd.de.vu

At the moment I am the only programmer but i think i will not get this done alone so we need help.

Besides coders we could also need some skinners, mappers, modelers, 2d artists and animators ( if we could get the animation files)

If you are interested in joining our team you can contact me at icq (98923155), AIM ( AZraELiW) or with e-mail (AZraELiW@gmx.de )



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Originally posted by bomberman_xc

Will you please make a model of the head orc that shoots Borimir w/arrows and faces off agains Strider in LOTR????? Please god say yes. This guy is soooooo kickass and he would look good in your mod. Please say yes, please......


i don't know :(

perhaps for the tdm mod but most likely no, because he is an uruk-hai, a half-orc race that was created by saruman in the 3rd age but didn't exist in the 1st age, in which our mod takes place.

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well then maby you can clear this up for me. Are goblins and orcs the same thing. because in the movie this "Uruk-hai" is made from crossing orcs and goblin men. But When they enter the mines of Mordor (or what ever it is) and when they first find all of the bodies, Lagolas (Elven archer) pulls an arrow out from a corpse and replies "goblins!". but then later on when they are in the crypt where the head dwarf dude is burried they hear the "goblin army" approaching, Lagolas then replies "Orcs!". So does that mean they are the same thing. and if they are, then why is the "Uruk-hai" so special if he's a cross from 2 of the same damn species.... please clear this issue up for me. Lagolas seems to think they're the same and Gandolf seems to think they are different.....help

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