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WIP from Dry Marker Studious (3 screenies)


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Hey, here are three screenshots from my upcoming work.


Thanks to Manquesa I can finally give your forumers heads up on what to look for from Dry Marker Studios.







The title for the mod has not yet been decided—but it will consist of several single player missions (six of eight have been planned so far) set in the Star Wars universe. The “campaign” as we are starting to call it—stars three characters (yes, just like most of the Star Wars novels) and jumps from one to the next in order to tell the story. But unlike most novels—the three characters are in totally different time periods.


My next post will include more info on the Mod—but just to tease you—the three characters are: A rebellious Mandalore warrior; A power hungry Sith lord; and last of all—a broken hearted mercenary; who turns to the dark side for consolation.

All three of these characters have one thing in common—a necklace—simple in itself—but holds a secret to a power long forgotten--even to the ancients. And as with all classic Star Wars’s tales—it has the power to change the galaxy forever…


No, this is NOT one of those hopelessly unfinishable mods. As I mentioned before there are eight planned levels. And I am working on the first three all at once.


Mapping for first level—Toxicity—is 85% complete.

Mapping for second level—Catacombs of the Massassi—is 60% complete.

Mapping for the third level—Unforgiven Deeds—is 12% complete.


Full updates on these levels will be given in next post. Along with screenies. = )


Anyways—everything is going quite well and progress on the levels steadily flows. I have a few advanced questions though—but I will get to those later.


One more thing—Due to the configuration of my vid card (for FF8 emu) I can nolonger take in-game shots. This is a bummer. What can I say? So unfortunately you will have to be satisfied by in-editor shots. Sorry.


ONE last thing. If you want bigger versions of the “mini pics” just ask. Manquesa has generously offered to let me put more pics up.

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Regarding last two shots: It's rather boxy, and I'm hoping that's just the structural side for your map and you will be adding more detail. Also, if you're aiming for a mix between Theed and Bespin, add some walk ways/side paths that hang over ... something.


My thinking hasn't been very detailed today, sorry. I've been rather pre-occupied with my own projects. When I can get some more ideas up I'll try help out, it does look like a good start though.


Cheers ;)

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Yes, it is just the structure.


I will add a little bit of detail--but justa little.


That level is going to be graphically the most impressive, hoever, beacue of the NPC's screaming and running through the streets being chased by stormtroopers as ties drop bombs from the sky.


= )

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Looks great! Especially the toxicity. As a newbie mapper I can only hope to ever create something as good looking as your map...:rolleyes:


BTW, thanks for putting all those screenies in just three separate pictures. I hate to watch 1600 x 1200 screenshots one by one.

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