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what about a model of the head orc from LOTR????


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I know that this should be in the request thread and i'm sorry but it seems like no one looks there for ideas anyways..... Well someone should make a model of the orc that shoots Borimir with three arrows and faces off against strider in the end of the movie. This model would kick @$$!!!!!!!!!!! and it would brind us one step closer to a LOTR mod. Some one has already made Strider and Borimir skins, and a guy has made the staffs of Gandalf and Sauroman, and he is now he is working on a Gandalf model. What we really need now is the badass orc with his orcish style sword and armor also! Please will someone make this model. He is my all time favorite. I will be sooooo happy if someone makes this model.


My e-mail: bomberman_xc@hotmail.com

(incase anyone cares....whch i'm sure you don't...lol)

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