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Level 14 Question?

Guest nkbyter

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Guest nkbyter

Something strange is happening on level 14 for me. Everytime I beat it using the Queen, it only lets me get down to 2 or 3 enemies left. After I beat it the points are awarded to me but then it starts me over on the board again. What the hell is going on?

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Guest Darth Wart

three more questions (sorry, stuff like this takes time):


1. have you already gotten the ultimate lightsaber with another character?


2. are you sure you know how to access the ultimate lightsaber when you get it (there's no awards ceremony)


3. when you fight with the queen, are you shooting your enemies when they're far offscreen and you can't see them at all? I've noticed that this can lead to program glitches.


While awaiting your replies, my advice in the meantime is to shoot enemies only when you can see them, if possible.

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Guest nkbyter

Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it. Anyway the answer to your questions are

1. No other character has aquired the ultimate sabre yet.....not that good yet.

2. To access the ulitmate sabre all you have to do is pause in the middle of gameplay, is that correct?

3. Yes, that's probably what I'm doing wrong. When using the Queen I am killing a majority of the enemies from off screen view.

I'll try it again when I get off work.



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Guest 84Elan

Wart if i may sir could I ask you how the hell to get through the game without a light saber and the ability to block? I have tried ot use the queen.


Number one I can not get her to shoot up at the boss on the first level and


Number two end up running around like a chicken with his head off trying to get away from droid fire all of which sucks.


And that damn pistol fire sound effect is driving me nutts!! it sounds like a crapy version of the blasters on that TV show V I do not know if you have ever seen that but that is what it kinda sounds like.

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Guest Darth Wart

In my opinion, the game is easiest with Amidala, but there are two exceptions:


1) the boss monster of level one. She sucks wastewater here. I devote a page to this very issue in level 10 of my guide. She won't aim up, and she can't deflect lasers. Oddly, this inability to aim up is not a problem on Coruscant.


2) kreetles: they sting her faster than she can nail them.


3) although she can block, she cannot DEFLECT any lasers. This is less of a problem than you might think, but there are some lasers she can't block (from the probe droids, for example).


4) her big advantage is that her laser's got no distance limitations, so basically you can blow everyone away the minute you enter a room.


5) I NEVER use Amidala's punching and kicking; it's ridiculous. When did she become a karate expert? I don't remember that. 15 years old, and already a master stateman and strategist? What a prodigy! Mozart, move over!


6) You can finish Maul off without having to get within 10 feet of him.


All of this fun can be yours if you pass level one -- THAT is a real crucible. But there's nothing as difficult on any of the subsequent levels, fortunately.






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest 84Elan

Thank you sir I should have consulted the guide before I opend my pie hole. Thank you again. May the force be with you.

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Guest nkbyter

Darth Wart, I have tried it again using the Queen and still no luck. For some reason the enemies are not coming in packs of 10. Sometimes only 7 or 8 droids attack. What do you think I can do? As for using Qui-gon I am not able to get his Life replenish force.

Thanks for any help you can give.

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Guest Darth Wart

I have to admit I'm stumped about the Amidala thing; I've never had that problem.


As for Qui-Gon, when you can you can't get his "health replenish thing," do you mean you don't know how to work it or that you've been unable to max out Tatooine, where you get it?






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest nkbyter

I guess I have never maxed out on the point to acquire it. I'll try it when I get home. Thanks

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Guest billman

Hey Nkbyter, I had the same problem. If you are not getting enemies in groups of 10, I would stop playing, turn off the game and reload it. I also experienced the problem that while playing with Amadala the ememy count would go down to "1" and the game would end. I wouldn't get the ultimate lightsabet. Again, try reloading the game. I played for about 2 hours getting all pissed off as this kept happening. I quit, went back the next morning and for some reason the next time I tried it, everything was fine. So, again the only advice I have to use is try to reload. Good luck.

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