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Prefabs & Trees


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1) To load prefabs, go Edit>Load Prefab.

And no you can't load quak prefabs, only .map files. :)


2) To make trees, just load a 3d modelling program such as milkshape and well... Create.


If you want some ready-made trees, look in assets0.pk3 in the jo base folder-models/map_objects/yavin/ look for good trees.


To put them in radiant, rightclick-choose misc>misc model. Close the dialog box that appears-it doesn't work.


Press n and type in the key:


and the value



whew. BUT then you have a problem. Models are not solid. You have to make a brush textured with system/clip where you do not want the player to be able to stand. (just make a brush around the tree-unless you want it climbable-:p)


If you want it to make sparks when you saber it, use system/physics_clip as the texture. But only use that if your brush matches the model, or you'll get sparks in mid air.


Hope all that helps. :D



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