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Rotating a model along with its clip brushes.


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I've created a docking platform and plunked an imperial shuttle down in the middle of it.


I spent a lot of time creating the physics clip brushes around the darn thing so that the player can crawl undernath and on top of it in a relaistic fashion. The easist way to create the brushes was with the shuttle aligned on the x and y axes (facing west while looking from the top view).


What I'd like to do is rotate the model and the brushes by about 45 degrees, since I think that will make it look more dynamic and visually interesting. I can rotate the model through the entity dialog box without a problem. I can't however get the func_group containing the clip brushes to line up with my rotated model. Is there any way to reliably do what I want to do here?


Thanks for the help.

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The free rotate tool is now doing the job for you?


Have you tried making the shuttle out of a misc_model_breakable?

those if it works those have pretty good auto cliping, and it you

dont give it a health value it will be invulnerable so you wont have

to worry about your big shuttle disapearing in a puff of smoke :)

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Misc_model_breakable still imports as triangles only. I would still have to create clipping brushes to give the illusion of a solid object.


At any rate, I've already got the model and the brushes in the map, I need a way to rotate the two together. If that cannot be done then I need to know of a good way to rotate them separately such that they will end up lining up correctly after the rotation.


Thanks for the help.

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I tried that. It worked...sorta. The model entity and my func_group entity (with the clip brushes) apparently have different centers of rotation.


I finally got it work through very patient manipulation of the func_group to get it to line up with the model after they were both rotated.


I'd be interested in knowing, however, if anybody knows of an easier way to do something like this.


Thanks again.

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Originally posted by Pope2k

Misc_model_breakable still imports as triangles only. I would still have to create clipping brushes to give the illusion of a solid object.


realy? hmm well some objects are solid automaticaly. look at the example maps.

and a couple crates worked fine for me. nice and solid, no clip brushes needed.

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