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Talented player in need of a clan


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Kinda feels like the wanted ads in the paper lol.


I am in fact a very good player looking for serious clan. I'm talking a server, registered on Clanbase or a ladder/cup ranking system, and has matches regularly. I'll gladly try out for a good clan, just reply to this with a time and server IP, or PM me. Thanks.

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We play the game, we don't muck about.


We're on clanbase ( although we've been playing a lot of friendlies instead atm )


We're not a bad clan ( look at results page ;) )


We can get a server whenever we want.

( The majority of us are jk2 admins for the UK GSP Blueyonder and we can launch fresh jk2 servers whenever we want for practice / clan games / etc ).


You'll need to be good and have a sub 100 ping on UK servers though :)



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Personally you're always welcome with us. We focus on dark jedi/sith. But we accept everyone, just so long as you carry yourself in a respectful manner. Here's a link to our homepage. Which has some updated screenshots of our clan map/saber hilt. We only have 5 members but our modeler is thinking of joining. Btw we use jediplus 3.4 on our server. We also have bots on our server just in case you ever get bored and no one can make it for a game. We play once or twice a week usually. I don't make many games (because I'm quite busy with running the clan lol) but everyone else makes them. We have a calender that we use to post dates that we can play. So feel free to use that. Also if you're as good as you say you could maybe teach a few of us some things. ;) Anyway, take it easy and I hope to see you in our ranks soon.

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