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Jetpack in JediPLUS 3.4


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Ok look, BOFH go downlaod force mod and play a game with it. Then you will see how the selection options on the jetpacks should be. Also the force as fuel is so dead on to what it should be like. On top of that all, if everyone and there brother can use jet packs then everyone is gonna play Saber and pack. Guns become useless.


If your going to add he jetpack do it right, Not half ass.


The way it is now, in force mod, Jedi or Merc is perfect I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying Force mod props Darth Syrup (spl?)



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ForceMod IS a great mod. I mean these guys sat down and added something truly good. They put a lot of work into this. Their not afraid to add something more that, despite being a bit more complex, makes the mod better. They even take on peoples ideas, the good ones too.


(Has anybody ever seen those DeadlyBOFH 'Suggestions for next version threads'. I don't think DeadlyBOFH has).

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First, id prolly wanna add the flamethrower in as a new force power..

Second, i dont know how to get the jetpack to do that yet.


Third.. WTF is the UberJedi option?


Originally posted by LOTM_NadunHagar

I suggest adding the Flamethrower do 3.5 i have a mod already that replaces Forcelightning with it. And as for the jetpack taking away form the sheilds. *bravo* good idea. Also are you planing on add the UberJedi Option??

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Thanks, it worked.


I think this is not stated in the FAQ, and it would be great to tell in the next version. I loved the Jetpack, by the way!


The only thing that i believe that sucks in Jediplus is the fact that the white core of the lightsaber doesn't "expand" when moving the lightsaber. The only part that "expands" is the coloured one, and it looks odd. Can this be fixed in the next version of Jedi Plus??

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about th jetpack using the shield power sounds great, its better then using the force


about the flametrower LOTM_NadunHagar mentioned, if youre gonna use it please first ask me or at least say youre gonna use it and second if youre gonna use it you should alter some things caus they're not the way they should be and I'm not going to change them myself cause I am to busy making it a weapon.

you can download it at the general editing forums

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