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Wanna Get Back Into the Palace?

Guest Bones

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Guest Bones

There is a point in the Theed Palace Level where it seems you pass a point of no return. It is the archway where you go from inside the palace to the outside where the balconies begin. Once you go through the archway, it gives the impression that you cannot go back into the palace. How wrong, how wrong!


You may not be able to go back into the palace through the archway, but our friends at LucasArts evidently forgot about the windows. Here's what you do. Just before you get to the archway you will meet up with a couple of destoyer droids and a commander droid. Instead of wiping them out, first dodge them, grab the Xtra Life powerup and run through the archway. On the same wall as the archway there will be a large window. It will be slightly above your head so you may not be able to strike it with your saber. However, if you didn't destroy the droids before you went through the arch, you can jump up in front of the windows and the droids still inside the hall will shoot at you, thereby wiping out the window in the process. Once the window is gone, you can jump through it and get back into the hallway!


What's even more amazing is that once you re-enter the hallway through the window, it removes the barrier that keeps you from re-entering through the archway. Now you can come and go as you like!

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