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Sound, What gives?


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I have used pakscape to unpack the assets1.pk3 containing sounds for use in an icarus script. Example scripts show the sounds in wav format for kyle, jan etc but the unpacked sounds are in mp3 format. They won't play in the script what gives?


I have tried them in mp3 format & coverted them back to wavs.


Also are filename lengths for sounds limited for them to work. All of the filenames are short & of a particular length. I have renamed them all so its easy to locate based on first few words spoken e.g sithspit.mp3 or sithspit.wav


I have written the opening cinematic movement camera views & animations without a hitch, why won't sounds work.

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1. Quick Check. Make sure the path matches up EXACTLY with the location of the actual file... from the gamedata/base/ directory... so, this is a good example of a sound path.




Notice a few other things. No / in the front. All slashes are this type: /. The file extension IS present.


2. Get original sound files. JK2 doesn't like most mp3 formats. If you try and play a sound in a format that it doesn't like, it just skips it. Any wait()'s that you use on a task that plays these files goes on fine as if it's finished playing. And it doesn't complain. It's horrid. There's a chance that when you changed the files back from .wav to .mp3 (if you did it this way) that you created yourself a new problem, by converting it back to a form which jk2 doesn't like. If you did this, immediately re-export the old sound files from the assets0 file.


3. Make sure the actual script is right. Make sure it's running the sound file properly. Make sure the sound channel you're using is the voice channel. Etc.


Write me back. if this stuff doesn't work, then give me information on... what was already how it should be, etc.



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Thanks for the help everyone.


I had actually realised 20 minutes after making the post that using the browser within BehavEd was selecting the full path right back to the drive I was using. Its all working well now.


I am planning on using custom sound files for character speech so the extra heads up is an advantage.


Again thanxs for the help & sorry I didn't post back sooner!

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