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Guest Darth Wart

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Guest Darth Wart

The silver doors that slide up near the beginning of level 4?


As you run towards them, jump up twice: sometimes your character will "catch on" to these doors and pull himself up, as if onto a ledge, except you'll be floating in mid-air with no visible means of support! You can block and fight your enemies (with L2 + X), all while levitating mysteriously high in the air.




1. This invisible ledge is very THIN, so don't walk around once you're up there, or you'll fall right off.


2. This glitch is EXTREMELY difficult to duplicate; but I have done it three times (those of you who know me know I do not post bogus claims) so I can assure you it's possible. Your timing has to be just right, though.


I've also discovered that if you're not in the mood to wait for the doors to slide up, you can just double-jump right over them into the hallway.


Just doing my job: providing amusement for the EXTREMELY bored.






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest liquidkid

you must play this game more than anyone!! are you like that with all games or is JPB just THAT awesome? (i think it is) you da man, wart





-UNcouncil Master of Insults, Supreme Chancelor's Hitman, All Around Bully.


P.L.U.R. <> J9K-4-LIFE <> JEDI-4-LIFE <> MCL

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Guest obi_wan_kenobi

hey wart when you get 30000 points on one player you should be able to use your long distance force right? i got the 30000 points and it wont let me use long distance, what is qui gon's long range attack?

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Guest obi_wan_kenobi

ok im screwed i was lucky to get through the tatooine level without it i guess what is qoui gons long range force abbility


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Guest Wickedness

I used to think that Qui-Gon blew...but after using him in 2-Player, just to get Maul...he has some sweet combos! Now onto the artifacts, and laying the game with Other characters! WEEEEEEE!



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