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WIP - Owen Lars, Monotone, Remsel


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yeah. i like how you have the hair chunky w/big spiked pieces. I was thinking we could alter the hair a little for the next character so that he doesn't quite have that "vegetable" hair. For the next guy it should still be chunky and spiky but not quite that tall and there should be a couple loose strands that hang down in his face a little.... just some input.

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Thats how my original drawing of Elron(Remsel) was. The jacket sleeves and bottom of it had rips and he had one thick strand of hair that was curved on his forehead...but I thought I could do that part when I skin him. Just to mabey give you a better picture...sorry I didn't add color to the model....but the way I had him colored was with yellow hair, greyish skin, yellow jacket, black under clothes. Another guy I drew was Trion....he had brownish-red armor and a blue headband and spikey hair that is pulled to one side and the other side is sorta smoothed out(probably the fav one I made). Mabey I'll try to make a model of him after I finish the ones right now.


Oh forgot to mention....I also have other characters that mabey I can make. I said, of course, these elf guys are evil:p ...and there is a gang of them. Well if there are badguys there have to be goodguys too right? I have a few guys made up that are sorta exterminators of the elves. Wear kewl headgear for communication and armor , guns, etc.

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that all sounds great! This idea i have will have his hair messy and in chunks i was talking about. He will have the belt on the inside of the jacket so that the jacket will be open style so you can see his waist under the jacket and everything. His coloring will have orange hair, grey skin, the jacket will appear to be leather w/torn edges. There will be flames all the way around the bottom of the jacket and the back of the jacket will have the picture of a skull w/a dagger stabbed through the top of it. His underclothing will be a dark sleevless vest(I'll show ya a pic if ya want) and dark urban camo pants w/black boots. Maby there will be a model w/out the jacket to.

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Quick update of Monotone. Fixed some things and put some colors....won't exactly be like that though.




Sounds great about your model idea...but who will be making it? I got no probs if anyone else adjusts my model...since I used Raven's anyhow.


grr in the pic...some reason makes it all blurry...anyhow the back of his jacket looks like it is missing. Well it isn't his jacket inthe backis rounded off.

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Well right now I'm screwed. I tried to lay it out to be skinned ..by myself. I used Chilliskinner and Textporter and a chilliskinner tutorial. Everything seemed to go fine until I had to lay it out as a bitmap. The pieces looked like crap....had holes in them...overlapping. I thought mabey it was cuz I used chilliskinner to detach the parts for me....but then I tried to detach the parts myself...and all it said was Working in chilliskinner..... for about 10 mins and it never did anything.

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Now that I have worked with 3Ds max a bit more and become accustomed to....what screws up things ...and what works well...I might ditch Owen and Montone cuz I think I can do better. I started a new guy that looks really good...I'll post some screenies later. I still need to learn how to UV map gewd though:mad:.

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Oh well...I can't UV map it myself. Chilliskinner seems to be a total piece of crap. Follow the tutorial step by step and I get numerous errors and it distorts everything you could possibly distort.


Have you gave your friend the Remsel model yet?

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no not yet. I talked to him yesterday and i'm helping him w/a "Lurtz" model (uruk-hai LOTR) btw. He does know how to uv map though. I just finished giving him some importers that he needed for 3ds max and i'm going to send Remsel today. But the one he will be mapping first is the character i described to you (tweaking Remsel) and then he will map the original Remsel also.

I sugjest that for now you only work on your best and/or favorite models for me to pass on to him, because i don't wanna sound like a greedy bastard (do this, do that, ect.) to him. So i can't overload him too much. So once you finish your models just pass them to me and i'll pass them to him.

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I'm finished with him. He's a human. Used the jedi model and used parts of kyle on him. Gave him 2 different shoulder pads, changed the belt, gave him a glove on his left hand, changed his hair, gave him a lil communication device on his ear, made his pants a little baggy, gave him a collar, changed his pants a little, and changed his face a little.


Name is Wade (real word:p).

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Alright..but I'm gonna keep working on models. I'd like to make all those characters I talked about and then put them in Single Player. Hopefully sometimes I'll learn how to set up the model to be skinned and all that myself. I can model from an existing model...and I can skin....thats about it:mad: .

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