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A few questions


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Just a few questions I hope some people can answer.


1. My Clip brush is not working in GtkRadiant. When I drag it out it just does not get created.


2. How can I stop making NPCs who fall a fairly long distance from dieing when they hit the floor.


3. How do you put in ambient sounds I've tried adding the cantina music into a target speaker but it doesn't work.


4. I have a conveyer belt that has a moving texture on it. However the player does not move when you stand on it. How can I make the player move with the conveyer belt.

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1. It probably is being created, to turn on "viewing clips" hit Alt-7.


2. Create a "cushion" textured brush wherever they are falling, this can be found in your system texture directory.


3. To lazy to explain, read the tutorials or help threads above in this forum.


4. Make your own shader, would take time to explain though. (There might be other methods though...)

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