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For how long will people play SWGB?


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I believe there are a couple realites that people on this forum are having a hard time coming to grips with.


1. All games get old! Warcraft 2 rocks but how many peple still play it? Or the original Diablo? So yes this game will get old and die off of course but will still be fun to play every now and then. I personally still play it very often.


2. The type of people you find on the zone are everywhere. Their attitudes are not unique to the zone. Play any game online and you will find jackasses that lock up rooms and wait all day for hteir buddies to log on. You'll find people who are rude, who swear, who try to make the game crash. Its everywhere, not just in SWGB rooms on the zone. WE should all be used to this by now. The process is, you log on and you sift through games/rooms and hope you find a good game.


3. AS far as GB sequels goes, I would be very excited if they added an x-pack, but only if they added very new and unique civs. I mean like Twi'lek, Trandoshan, Mon Cal, Bothans and not like Old Republic, New Trade Federation, Post Rebellion and such.

I think the game is very good and has a lot of strategy that isn't found in any other strategy game. Think about it. In most other RTS games all you really needed to do was upgrade until you got that "one killer unit!". In Warcraft 2 it was Knights/Ogres; in Sarcraft it was Cruisers/BAttlecruisers. I cant remeber about red alert but i believed it was some kind of tank. In Myth it was Tree Giants/Drow. All you needed was a lot of those super units and you would win the game. In, BAttlegrounds there is no super unit, you cannot win the game simply by building a lot of assault mechs. And that is true strategy and balance. AS for the graphics, it was announced that they were using the Age of Kings engine so we all should have had our eyes open on that one. I like age of empires/age of kings and i like Star Wars(particularly Darth Maul) so SWGB is a dream come t rue to me. GB also seems to be one of the few RTS games now that retain the total war aspect in giving you land, air and sea. Plus, it has graphics at least as nice as the other 2d rts games like red alert yuri and kohan. Most 3d rts games have units that look really bad, the only one i can think of that has nice unit detail is BAttle Realms but then you only get about 30 units and no navy or anti-air or air. So battlegrounds is a good game and any who has a copy should have been fully prepared for what they were getting since there were gazzilions of screnshots and reviews prior to the games launch. I would love to see an expansion pak, and i will be playing this game for quite some time in the future and the skirmish mode is really fullfilling.

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