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Servo Assimilate Problem

Midgit Yoda

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I can't seem to get the Tom Servo Model D made through Assimilate. As you may know, the bottom of his base was split and named l_leg and r_leg but I weighted it to the pelvis so that we wouldn't get any moving limbs down there. I've linked everything correctly and stuff and have all the preferences set up like I always have had em, but when I add the _humanoid.gla the assimilate and select build carcas says this,


"entering c:\base\models\players\tomservo\model.car

<90 degree skewing OFF>

Loading GLA "models/playeres/tomservo/_humanoid.gla"...17278 frames

Grabbed 1 files with 17278 frames


XSI import failed, code = 12 <file 'c:/base/models/players/tomservo/root.XSI'>


< Press any Key ... >"


I don't understand why it won't work. Any help would be appreciated.

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I'm not sure what to tell you. I'm having major difficulty with Assimilate and Carcass too. All I can say is that there is a major need for lots of documentation and tutorials for Carcass. I have a complete model and I'm stuck at this exact point. It boggles my damn fool cracker mind that I have ZERO problems constructing and texturing a model. But I'm completely stymied with this idiotic MS-DOS program.


The only help I can give you is to search around for other threads that I've started pertaining to this subject.

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I am with you midget, I just exported septh here, STRAIGHT from softimage, It exported as 3.0 and all....BAD XSI........WTF....I almost lost it, and took the plung from the 29th floor window......Kinda leaves a bad taste in your mouth......oh well.....I need to find away to get it in max...MAX doesn't even like the file I exported.

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Well when I did some emailing with Mike Gummelt (Ok, I'm not sure if it has him, but some Raven quy anyways), he said that the animations were done using XSI 1.5, and(=because?) XSI 2.0 exporter won't work with Jedi Knight... sorry :(

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I tell you, I am starting to get extremely pissed off at Jedi Knight 2. I am going to finish my cloud model and if I can't get it in game I'm givin up. I finished Fat Bastard but couldn't get him to go through assimilate, have D's finished Servo and can't get him through, finished dark helmet, got him through assimilate but whenever I try to load him in game JK2 shuts down and gives me an error and in Mod View he's all messed up, and I'm just sick of it. I'm thinkin when UT2K3 comes out lets all just say F uck Jedi Knight II. It's horrible to get models in game with it.

And in theory, Servo should go through assimilate because he's UVMapped, weighted, capped, and exported with the xsi exporter that came with the SDK released from Ravensoft. It's messed up. Any assistance would be helpful.

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well to be honest i dont think its that difficult to get a model ingame in JK2. of course at first there were several errors, but once i fixed them i just didnt make the same mistakes the next time and everything worked out easily. imo if your having problems its not assimilates, carcass, md3view, JK2, Raven or LEC fault, its yours, youre doing something wrong, you forgot something or didnt follow every step to the letter.

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I agree, once your got those basics down, FREE flying from there...I frustation with capping and segmenting is the thing of the past for me :) .....however, getting the xsi to work out of softimage is another thing. Doesn't work, you would to think...So i had to scrape seph, and redo him in 3d studio max...BOY OH BOY is that odd, pressing all the wrong hotkeys. However he looks ten times better....


The more you do it, the easier it becomes.......Obvious...

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Originally posted by Madjai

well to be honest i dont think its that difficult to get a model ingame in JK2. of course at first there were several errors, but once i fixed them i just didnt make the same mistakes the next time and everything worked out easily. imo if your having problems its not assimilates, carcass, md3view, JK2, Raven or LEC fault, its yours, youre doing something wrong, you forgot something or didnt follow every step to the letter.


Madjai, you are correct. It's simply a matter of isolating the problems, learning from them, and not repeating them in the future. But please try to say it in a more encouraging fashion next time.


Don't lose hope, Midget Yoda. I happen to think that JK2's system of animation is a good one and very efficient. But I'm having the same sort of problems as you right now.




That does not excuse Raven from having very poor documentation and tutorials. If it wasn't for Space Monkey's tutorial, I would not have gotten this far this fast.


I would like to put together some sort of updated tutorial in the future.


There should be vast quantities of models being produced for JK2, but it's just not happening. (No, I'm not talking about skins, I'm talking about models!) Who's fault is this? All of the artists out in the world? Or the people who made the programs and did not provide enough documentation and tutorials?

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Success! (Well, so far...)


I just wanted to give you further encouragement. I've been having major troubles working through problems I've been having with Assimilate. All my patience has paid off and I finally have my freakin' .glm file. Don't know if it will work yet, but this is the furthest I've ever been.


Hang in there, buddy. I want to see your Tom Server model working!

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Originally posted by Midgit Yoda

Tell me what options you selected when you went to export the XSI, like animations, basepose, etc... I got Helmet through assimilate and then when I loaded it in game the game crashed. I still haven't fixed that problem lol.

I had every box checked that I could when I exported the XSI. I have no idea if this is a good plan. Maybe something should be left unchecked.


Let me check the doucmentation. Oh wait. There isn't any!

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Ok, here's the email I got from Brian Shubat, the lead animator of JK2:


The version of soft we used was softimage|XSI Version 1.5; build 1.5.2001.0212(v1.5.1) we used that version's XSI exporter

The export options to check in the export dialog box are as follows:

Geometry: check polygon Meshes and Tessellation; uncheck Nurbs Surfaces and Nurbs Curves

Animation: Check All

Animation Filtering: check Plot; Kind of fcurve: Standard; Interpolation: Linear

Relations: Check Constraints; Envelopes: Weighted; IK: Convert to FK (keep Skeletons); Custom Parameter Sets; Checked


I should warn that we were restricted to work with Version 1.5 because the exporter in V. 2.0 had changed and we didn't support it so I'm not sure if you can use XSI V. 2 or if somebody (a programmer) updated the tools or something. I don't know what the deal is.


I have no other knowledge about using a different program to do your characters/ animation, I would think it's possible but unfortunately I can't offer any advice or solution for you.


I have no idea what we have planned for the modding community. I'm certainly no help, sorry.


Maybe that's some help

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