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Bleem! and JPB

Guest ChosenOne

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Guest ChosenOne

Is anyone playing JPB on their PC with Bleem!? I bought Bleem! specifically so I could use it for JPB and get better graphics and play when the TV is being used for other purposes. I'm interested if anyone else has had problems with it. For me whenever the game switches to a cutscene my screen flickers from fullscreen to window and back. This has been quite annoying. It may just be the settings need to be adjusted because my PC is a very new high end Dell.

If anyone else is experiencing similar problems or, even better, has a remedy, I'd love to hear from ya.


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Guest Wickedness

I DLed bleem, and like the dork I am...I didn't have a Gravis gamepad. BUUUUT...The cut scenes WERE minimized and there was no way I could get past them....besides...my comp from at the LA insignia. HA!



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Guest mario

I've also had some problems, not only with the cutscenes, but also with some of the end bosses (particularly the level 2 worm and the tatooine armadillo). Basically, the screen turns black, and takes a few seconds to let you see what's happening. Also, the screen turns black whenever there is an on-screen explosion.


I have a p-233, 64 RAM, 56xcd rom. Any suggestions???

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Guest ChosenOne

It looks as if we will have to wait for an update of the Bleem! software. It is definetly not your system. I'm running it on a PIII 733 w/128MB RDRAM and a GeForce 256 4X, and we're having the same problems.

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Guest mario

The performance is okay. I'd estimate that game speed is 80% of intended/playstation game speed. There are a few times when the game is literally in slow motion (this doesn't occur randomly, but always in certain spots)



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Guest Darth_Simpson

I have the same specs as you, only with 128MB RAM, so I just wanted to know how the game performed with Bleem!

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Guest Darth Whiting

I was palying JPB last night on Bleem1.5b and it was rather good, if you turn off the high resolution and tone down some effects it runs OK.

Still not the same as the good ol' PSX

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Guest BJavaGod

I too bought bleem! specifically to play JPB. I also bought a $10 game pad from CompUSA so that the playstation button muscle memory I'd acquired playing on a playstation over at a friend's house wasn't lost. I highly recommend a controller instead of the keyboard.

Now, as far as how the game has played, I had problems exactly as those described above. I have a P-III 600 EB with a 133Mhz FSB, 128 MB RAM, an 8X dvd, a SB Live! soundcard, and a GeForce 256 (Specifically, an ASUS 6800 Deluxe). I was super frustrated at the end of level 2 being basically unplayable because I couldn't see what was going on. Apparently this is caused by buslock. (If you read the Bleem! manual, it describes this and describes remedies for it.) This first and most significant thing I did was to completely disable using system RAM for textures with my video card. This has the effect of incredible slowdown at specific points in the game when using 3-d acceleration, but the reward is that you can actually play the game still. (Because the bus isn't locked while grabbing textures for video.)

Also, when I played the worm at the end of level 2, and the armadillo towards the end of level 5, I turned off the music, turned off 3-d acceleration, (IMPORTANT!) unchecked the box to allow frame skip, and played the game in a window. There are still brief pauses while some significant monster event happens, like when the worm crashes down, or the armadillo stops rolling, but you can now react, also by playing in a window, when the action stops briefly for a cutscene, the game doesn't click through a couple of video modes before it starts displaying.


The game will run most of the time full screen at high resolutions with 3-d acceleration on and is significantly better looking and faster playing than the Playstation. I think a lot of this is glitches in Bleem!, after hours of switching the 3-d acceleration on and off, the game grinds by Windows 98 SE to a halt and I have to reboot to get any kind of responsiveness. (Some kind of memory leak I'd say.)

Anyway, for all of you out there with hot PCs, the game works. I've beaten it with Mace and Qui-Gonn and gotten the ultimate saber with Mace. It's just got some quirks.



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Guest T16skyhopp

whats the best controller for bleem in general. which one emulates the playstation one the best??



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Guest ChosenOne

I use a 3dfx HammerheadFX. I bought it specifically because I was so accostomed to the Playstation DualShock configuration and it is very similar with two analog sticks in the center. It is a lot bigger than the DualShocks but fits really well unless you've got x-small hands. I highly recommend it for those out there looking for a Playstation like controller for their PC.

One advantage is that it has 6 buttons on top instead of the 4 on the PSX gamepad, and still has 4 triggers underneath. It's nice to have these extra buttons for a lot of PC games so you don't have to use the keyboard as much.

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