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JID Recruiting


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The clan JID stands for the Jedi In Diguise. We are a Jedi/Sith Clan that will kill anything in it's paith, and we use the Force Mod. The Sith in my Clan can use Dualbladed saber or regular saber, Jedi in the Clan may use Dual lightsabers or one lightsaber. You are allowed too use any skin until we get a modeler/skinner that will be kind and make us one.


The Tag that the Jedi In Diguise will put infront of there name is <JID>. I've made up sorta a PLOT for the JID,and here it is.


The JID were made from a man named JID_Mets. Mets was not yet a jedi until he found a way too 'hack' into the valley of the Jedi and infused his warriors and himself with the force. The army fought the Jedi and the sith and destroyer many. Until one sith came. Exar Kun. He ahilated the army with his supreme power and almost killed Mets. Mets was able too quickly flee from him and than tryed too recruit his own army, and infused them with the power of the sith and the jedi.That is where the story ends.for now........


The JID will accept anybody who needs a clan, and will be trained by me and the one other Jedi Master and the One other Sith Master.


For anybody who is kind enough who could make us a Map, I'd be very happy.


We will play RPGish type of games too make you figure out the whole story of the JID, then when the Warriors are trained we will accept challengers


The rules will be posted next

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Ok, here are the Rules of the Clan, That you must follow


1. We are Jedi/Sith. We only Use Lightsabers. The Only Guns you can use are the Tenloss Disturptor Rilfe and The Byrar (I might get a Mod too change it into Han's Blaster of Padme's Blaster) Please do not use guns unless you really need too.


2.We will use Forcemod. The Reason why we use Force is because it will Sharpen your senses, we will use Double Bladed Lightsaber too train because they are stronger but slower and will make you better using one saber, and Forcemod has Jedimod and a Whole different mod in it


3. Until we get a Mapper We will probally train in Wookie Village,

and some other maps


4. Any Saber color can be used, Espically with forcemod, because if I force you too have a Saber like that forever with forcemod (Which has the parts of JediMOD), You'd Probally quit the Clan.


5.After Every Duel or Match agansit a Different Person/Clan Please Say gf/good fight or gg/Good game


6. No swearing unless we are playing in our own server with only our Clan Members


If something Bad happens, report it too me and I will solve it. I will give you three warnings. If you hit three you will be Ejected from the game we are playing. 4 times is a Auto boot from the clan.

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