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Errors in Prima's Strategy Guide

Guest Feilnyn

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

From what I've heard from Darth Wart, almost the entire thing is filled with errors. Which isn't surprising, considering the games it's for. Don't buy the guide, get it off the net from the link in my signature. And remember, a little self-promotion never hurt anyone.





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest Plo Koon

I fell to the power of the Prima Guide before coming here. frown.gif


<font color="yellow"> I found errors, but more typos than errors. For instance:

Check out page 31. The little red banner on the carnivorous plant has no text on it.

Flip to page 55. The text on one of the captions goes off the little bubble.


Nevermind, I guess there weren't as many typos as errors. My bad. <font color="yellow">




You could no more evade my wrath, then you could your own shadow.

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Guest Wickedness

The only good thing about the Prima...is all the colorful pretty pictures. Awwwwwwwwwwwww. =')



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Guest Wickedness

I wish JB was around when I was a kid, so when my mom wanted to put me in the bath, all I would have to say is "Mom! If I go in the water, I die! Look!" And show her the game...





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