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Call for help to experienced mappers


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Since not many people visit Jedioutcastmaps.com's forums all that much, I'm gonna be nice and post this here.


Tigris, the author of the Cantina map is in some dire need of help with the map. When he compiles, the BSP process apparently fails and causes an application error message. All other processes run and work but since no bsp was made, they subsequently don't do anything. This has been tested with sof2map and q3map2. Both do the same thing.


Here is the link to the thread: http://forum.jedioutcastmaps.com/viewpost.php?fid=4&id=478


If anyone knows anything about this, please visit there and let Tigris know.

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47 megs for the .map file........geez......You know what I think?


I think he rotated a building made up of structural brushes causing the leaf nodes to sky-rocket--making the file considerably larger--and maybe that is what is giving him problems.


Why don't you suggest to him turning EVERYTHING (sides the ground and the skybox) into a detail brush just to test out the compiler.


I dunno...Im no expert.

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Originally posted by Karshaddii

47 megs for the .map file........geez......You know what I think?


I think he rotated a building made up of structural brushes causing the leaf nodes to sky-rocket--making the file considerably larger--and maybe that is what is giving him problems.


Why don't you suggest to him turning EVERYTHING (sides the ground and the skybox) into a detail brush just to test out the compiler.


I dunno...Im no expert.


actually the .map file is only 2 mb


the textures are rather large tho.

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