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FUNC_STATIC - Help Please


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As posted in previous threads I asked how to use force push to disable lights & flame effects in a similar fashion to the SP_Yavin Final level.


FUNC_STATIC seems to be the way to go but everytime I tried to compile my map after creating one the light compile gives the error message:


0....Exceeded maximum number of styles per face.


If I open the map it works but obviously the light maps are totally screwed.


Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong / what I can do to fix this?


I have tried the brush as -


chaulk nosolid


No textures at all

Structural Brush

Detail Brush all to ne effect

I have even tried making the brush a face, 1 unit thick, or a brush completely enveloping the light & effect.

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Further input -


I had emailed the extremely knowledgable Rich Diesal about this this I he suggested scripting which is acceptable & a test script works.


However in the map I am producing it is quicker to produce in radiant since I needed target disables, relays, & counts so that the func_static could only be used once with force push & using it on time items would trigger the count & activate other triggers etc.


I had managed to get the first func_static to work after adjusting light intensity & scale to ensure light maps did not overlap where the func_static was placed it compiled without problem. As soon as I added the seconf func_static (ensuring it was placed where not light sources overlapped it fell apart - so back to the top of the thread we go!


If I fix it, it will be by playing about randomly so I am unsure I will be able tell you all what I did.


I am using GTKRadiant because QERadiant always, always crashes when I use it forcing a reboot.

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After much trial & error (or to the layman - after much ****ing abut) I have discovered the following.


A FUNC_STATIC was added to the map & targeted at multiple entities/targets etc.



A second FUNC_STATIC was added to the map. It was not targeted at anything - just positioned.



However a soon as the second FUNC_STATIC was targeted the map failed to compile with error -



Be warned the compile will be corrupted along with the map file & if you try to remove the offending FUNCs, Targets etc. it will make no difference even if you save & compile under a different name. Each time you remove the offending item & compile Radiant will select the last brush item you created prior to that & state it is at fault. (Keep going like that I you will have nothing but a void!)


I have tried giving each FUNC_STATIC its own targetname & script_targetname without success.


You do not need to be a software tester (and I used to be), to know this is a bug with the software.


Multiple FUNC_STATICS can be targeted at one entity, say one relay for example which can then be set to trigger others without problem but if you want multiple FUNC_STATICS to perform different functions such as in SP_YAVIN_TRIAL you have no hope unless you opt to script the events (see below).


With this in mind you should be ok provided you don't have an imagination or artistic licence that would make you want to use multiple FUNC_STATICS for different functions on one map. So I guess we are all out of luck!


I believe this can be overcome by Icarus scripting FUNC_STATICS as suggested by RichDiesel. I will try this but at the moment I have been trying to overcome this problem for 2 weeks...I'm fed up...cheesed off..sick as a chip & plan to skip this until last while I finish all other aspects of my map. Perhaps by that time Raven will aware of & have resolved the problem.


A very frustrated man signing off:(

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